Dr. Cristian Udroiu, cardiologist
Online consultations with cardiologists
Topics covered:
- 20 years ago, the average age of heart attack patients was 70 years. Now half of the heart attack patients I treat are under 47 years;
- The 5 major factors of cardiovascular disease;
- Smoking as a risk factor;
- Coffee does not cause cardiovascular distress;
- Diabetes and dyslipidemia as risk factors;
- Normal values of LDL cholesterol must be below 110, and glycosylated hemoglobin below 6;
- Cardiology guidelines have developed tests that calculate the risk of stroke over the next 10 years based on cholesterol levels, blood pressure and lifestyle;
- High cholesterol doesn't hurt you, it kills you;
- Obesity and sedentary lifestyle as risk factors;
- Being active is extremely important; the release of endorphins is good for both the cardiovascular system and the brain;
- The value of systolic pressure (first value) at any age, sex, weight, must be less than or equal to 130;
- The second value of the pressure, the diastolic pressure, should be up to 8 - 9;
- At a systolic blood pressure of 140, the arteriosclerotic process is initiated;
- Diastolic pressure is increased by agitation, stress, nervousness. There are no pills to lower diastolic blood pressure;
- The pulse should be between 50 and 70. A heart with a pulse of 90 is like an engine that will wear out quickly;
- Symptoms that predict a heart attack. Pain in the left side of the chest is not the pain that heralds a heart attack;
- Three recommendations for a healthier heart.